You are open for business, make sure they know that and how to interact with your organization. Make it easy for them to purchase your product and services. Use your social media presence to keep your customers up to date. If you typically don’t use social media, it may now be time to build one. Stay in the Fight Above all else, the one thing you can control is effort. There is no event or situation more powerful than the focus and committed actions you take every day. The only way to lose is to quit! Will the coming months be difficult?
Yes. There’s no getting around that. But, if whatsapp database you focus on the things you can control and are willing to really commit to figuring out how to thrive, the coming months will be full of opportunity—not fear. By the way, if you’d like some help adapting your business to the demands of this Coronavirus outbreak, let us know here or in the comments. We’d love to help! If you had to decide between a higher online conversion rate and scaling your business, which option would you choose?
Most business owners I’ve asked this question think about it, then exuberantly reply, “both!” While that’s a good answer, the fact is that 95% of the time that’s not how it works. It would certainly be nice if you could tackle all of your priorities simultaneously, there’s a reason why they’re called priorities. Most of the time, you have to pick and choose which priorities you want to focus on first. You don’t have the time, money or bandwidth to tackle everything at the same time. Choosing your priorities isn’t the same thing as saying “no” to things that are lower on your priority list, though.