Three years later, and Instagram's adoption among America's top brands has doubled to 50%, with 250 brands represented on the social media Jewelry Retouching platform. How are America's biggest brands using Instagram? I analyzed a year of Instagram content from Fortune 500 companies to find out. Here are four trends and takeaways that Jewelry Retouching can help your own Instagram content stand out. 50% of Fortune 500 companies are active on doubling since 2013, says wkndatburneys Click To Tweet 1. Instagram is a day job (but it shouldn't be) Fortune 500 companies treat social media marketing on Instagram like a 9 to 5 job. On Jewelry Retouching the whole, they post during the East Coast workday. In fact, 88% of photos on Fortune 500 Instagram accounts were posted between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. EST. Instagram-highest engagement Still.
Posts published in this window saw 6.15-8.78% more engagement than the average Instagram post of a Fortune 500 brand. Lowest engagement on Instagram Highest engagement with Fortune 500 Instagram posts was between 10:00 p.m. and 3:00 a.m., says wkndatburneys Click To Tweet The lowest engagement on Instagram for Fortune 500 posts occurred Jewelry Retouching between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. EST. Posts published in this window saw Jewelry Retouching engagement drop between 4.18 and 6.58% below the average post. 4am posts also underperformed, recording 3.49% less engagement than average. Takeaway: Instagram feeds are filled with brand-generated content during the traditional US
East Coast workday. To stand out and engage your audience, think beyond traditional business hours. To stand out and engage youraudience, think beyond traditional opening hours, says wkndatburneys Click To Tweet Your guide to creating and sharing Jewelry Retouching content in 2016 [Infographic] 2. Sunday is a rest day (but it shouldn't be) The workday bias among Fortune 500 companies becomes especially clear when looking at Instagram posting Jewelry Retouching trends by day of the week. Fortune 500 companies post significantly fewer messages on weekends; only 8.5% of their Instagram posts were posted on Sunday, making it the least competitive day to post. Thursday and Friday are the most competitive days of the week to post. Instagram-Posting-