At the same time it is necessary to take into account the interests of employees company executives the general director and the shareholder. All of them often come into conflict. Hence either the evil HR which employees do not like or the favorite of the public which managers do not like. Knowing the needs of all stakeholders and looking for points of intersection means being aware of your maturity and willingness to act.
CAN'T STOP AND FOCUS Many see HR as such magicians able to improve the situation in business with the help of a magic wand. In fact we are limited in resources. The HR team budgets cell phone number list time - all require choices to be made. Major mistakes in HR 5 HR is able to provide 10-15 quality products but tends to provide 50-100 of them so the quality suffers. Procter Gamble abandoned hundreds of brands that scattered the company's attention and focused on the top ten most profitable ones. 10. WANT TO MAKE DECISIONS FOR MANAGERS Often working with young executives who are barely 25-28 years old HR seek to impose their solution.
Some get fired some get promoted. These decisions must be made by the leader. To show the performance potential involvement of everyone - this is the task of HR. 11. DO NOT READ BOOKS AND DO NOT STUDY CASES Stanford University teaches on the cases of other companies. Real stories help to repeat the success of some and avoid the mistakes of others. To know a theory is to know nothing. Know the practice - be able to apply the tool in the right place. Major mistakes in HR 6 Oddly enough conferences can also be beneficial.